Can everyone in a single class receive full discussion points for a given period? I think not. There simply are not enough minutes for each person to get in his or her minimum number of points across. To further compound the problem, some students take it upon themselves to talk an obnoxious amount during discussions. This leads to very unbalanced discussions with some students talking seven or eight times while others talking maybe once or twice, a situation that I know frustrates many. The main problem I have with the current discussion setup revolves around the fact that the people who are more talkative outside of class talk the most in class. I think this favors them considerably and makes it harder for quiet and shy students to get a word in. I consider myself somewhat quiet and reserved as a person and I feel forced to go out of my comfort zone at times to get discussion points. I feel very confident that many other students can relate to this.
I prefer when the class is divided into two discussion groups. This creates a relaxing and noncompetitive discussion experience. With such a small group, students can discuss without competition from twenty other students. I believe that by having more small discussion sessions, the stress level in class will drop. It would be a favorable situation for everyone.
James Coleman-
ReplyDeleteI agree with most of this. I find it very difficult for every single student to get full discussion points, especially in eighth period which is much larger than sixth period. I also get upset when some people talk between every other student. It is very frustrating and not necessary at all. They should probably stop. But, like you, I love when we divide into two discussion groups! I talk so much more in those and I feel more comfortable expressing my opinions and thoughts. However, the one part that I disagree on is that more talkative people talk more in class. I think I am a pretty loud and talkative person, but in class I become a reserved, quiet student. If we could have two discussion groups every day, I think I would get full points almost every time.
Hey, Jimmy! I also agree that it is very difficult to receive full credit during discussions due to the uneven balance of who speaks. I also think that in the class certain people have a reputation for talking more during discussions than others, and that since those reputations have been made people tend to stick to them. I wish we spoke in small groups more often.
ReplyDeleteI completely agree with your post. I feel that a couple students talk the entire time while the majority of the class speaks very rarely. Two different groups allows all students to share their ideas. I also find myself more engaged in what others talk about because I can actually hear what they say. With one huge cicrle, I have a hard time listening to others across the room. This leads to repeated points and continuous interruptions between students.
ReplyDeleteJimmy, I also agree. I definitely like the two class discussions. First of all, in these smaller groups, it feels more like a conversations, and it seems a lot easier to speak freely, without being mauled over by another person or getting dirty looks. It always seems that in the big class discussions people always seem to take my ideas right before I say them. In the smaller discussions, even if this happens, I am able to build off the topic and add something, rather then the topic changing or some else talking over me, which is what normally happens in class discussions.