Last year in AP 11, I earned the reputation that I dislike Asians. It all started in one of the end of the quarter multiple-choice games. Jillian was in a competing group and a passage arose that dealt with China. I simply stated that Jillian’s group has a distinct advantage over everyone else because they have someone of Chinese descent. Then boom, Miss Serensky labels me as an Asian-hating racist, all in good humor of course. This label has come up many times throughout the year and I do feel a bit awkward sometimes because I get the feeling that unaware classmates believe the accusations are fact rather than playful banter. In reality, I have nothing against Asians. They have done many great things in history, like get the first Atomic bomb dropped on them and fight three wars against the US in the 20th Century and only lose one.
I write about Asians today to share the irony that shortly after I joined the Dartmouth ’15 facebook page, I received four friend request from my future classmates, all four of them Asian. I felt so excited that I texted the news to Jillian who promptly wrote on my wall, “
After reading this message, one could insinuate incorrectly that I…1. Do not currently “love them”
2. Am creeped out enough by Asians that I told my friends about them friend requesting me
I may just carry on my Asian hating reputation with me to college if that wall post gets enough views.
Jimmy, we both belong to a unique brotherhood because Ms Serensky has given us some type of label and it has stuck. However, the label I have been given is not nearly as bad as being an "Asian-hating racist." I have been labeled as a patriot, and unlike you, I do not mind this at all. In fact, I embrace being labeled as a patriot. But I do feel sympathy for you because as you have described, our colleges and universities are filled with Asian students and Jillian's post poses somewhat of a problem. I find Jillian's post very interesting because she seems to refer to her fellow Asians in a very rude and I think racist way. In reference to you being friend requested by four Asians, she said "your roommate could even be one." This is a very insensitive and cold way to refer to Asian students in my opinion and I think maybe it is Jillian who is the racist, and not you.